
Applying Simple Every Day Makeup

Prepping Face, Application of Foundation, Powder and Eye Makeup

Tools required for this process are:      
·       Moisturizer
·       Powder
·       Foundation
·       Bronzer
·       Blush
·       Eye Shadow

Prepping your face
  • Wash your face with a cleanser or lukewarm water before applying makeup in the morning. This removes any debris on your skin. Pat it dry with a soft towel.
  • Apply a moisturizer before applying makeup. This helps your makeup to go on more easily and create a better finish look. Do not forget to massage your eyelid, noise and lips. Leave for a few minutes to absorb before putting on makeup.

Applying foundation and makeup
  • Choose a foundation that works with your skin type and complexion. Liquid foundations works best in many skin type, however, for oily skin types, powder maybe an option.  
  • Apply foundation evenly over your face using a foundation stippling brush making sure it does not cake or leave clumps anywhere. 
  • Blend your foundation around the edges of your face and let it meet at your chin point. 


Applying concealer
  •  Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone or if you have dark under eye circle, use a lighter shade. Using the beauty blender, apply a light amount under your eyes and gently blend it in. Can use a little extra on blemishes if necessary. 

Applying powder
  •  Choose a powder that matches your skin tone. Using an angled contour brush and a cheek highlighter brush to apply the makeup. Bronzer maybe applicable to help create flattening shadows while highlighting brighten areas. 

Applying eye makeup 

Here is a sample from MAC Makeup:

Here are some samples of eye shadow designs:
Picture 1


Picture 2

Picture 3
Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

So which eye shadow design you like and want to try?

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