
To All The Non Believers – Makeup Do Have Benefits

Believe it or not makeups do have some benefits. Here are some benefits listed below:

  •    Skin Care – there are makeup brands which already have sunscreen, anti-aging and anti blemish ingredients. Imagine how you can look beautiful and at the same time improve your skin.

  •     Hide insecurities – a sleepless night can ruin your natural beauty by having blemishes and raccoon eyes and or people recognize one outstanding pimple which causes embarrassments. Let the concealer do the trick for days that you are not that beautiful.
  •        Improve your mood – Remember when you were a kid and you used to love coloring those books? Makeup colours can affect your mood where it light up your face and make it a free picture to put those colours using those brushes.  

  •    Display your personal style – Makeup allows to define you as an individual. By showing your own style with the creativity and innovation of different colors, techniques and textures.

  •     Enhance beauty – wearing makeup will enhance and make you more beautiful especially with emphases mascara those beautiful eyes will highlight it and give a power effect by drawing more interest from the crowd.

  •     Instant make over – makeup can change the way you look everyday depending on how you apply and the colors you use. You can be a beautiful princess with those soft pink to highlight, an actress with those smoky eye shadow or a vampire with those blood red lipstick. Thus, let your makeover change you from plain to a stunning person from time to time.


  1. yes makeup has sunscreen and so protects skin, but some people do not remove it before bed and it causes skin issues. also some people use the wrong makeup and do not apply correcetly making them look old and just not beautiful such as bad color combination or not matching natural skin color.

    1. Hence, for beginners, they should have a basic knowledge on the benefits, brands, if they have any reaction to any brand of makeup and most importantly applying the makeup foundations to suit the skin tone.
      Yes makeup for some people do make them look is all about the technique of how much you apply on your skin.
